Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Planning or going with your gut feeling?

smaller version
I am struggling with myself about whether or not to make the marigold as I originally planned or go with my gut feeling of "make it bigger." The smaller version would just be about a 5 X 7, but the larger would be 6 X 6.
I KNOW which one to do, but my little cheap voice is saying to use what you have and don't buy any more canvasses. So this is just a matter of beating up that little voice and plowing ahead.
I need to mention that the "picture" does go over the edges of the canvas and are continued on the sides of the piece, so nothing is really cut off, but.............


  1. DefinatelY go with your gut and I agree, it needs to be bigger - you will lose to much of the design once you put it on the canvas. Just think if you buy another canvas you still have the smaller one for another piece:-)

  2. After much deliberation, and suggestions, I will go with the larger size.
    As for having the smaller canvas for another piece ........ that's where I started with this one LOL!
