Friday, February 14, 2014

What I've been up to.........NQR, sort of

I went out and bought a new machine! A Janome Memory craft 7700 with the large throat. I have been enjoying it since. Great machine and it has revved up my creativity again. I also looked long and hard for a table to use with it as I am small and it is not. The height is important so I don't get back strain and other ouchies.

So I also have been finishing up a jacket I had been working on and made myself a hat for all this cold bitter weather we are having.
Front Open

The jacket and hat both are wool. I've had the pattern for the jacket for a couple of years and just never found the right wool for it. So last year I went up to the Dorr Mill Store and bought some after feeling tons of bolts. You know fabric shopping is a touchy-feely kind of thing.
So here are some pics of my recent endeavors.

And the Hat.   So You see I have been busy, but not quilt related......unless you can count my working on my next word reveal for the Material Mavens. THAT must remain a secret until next month.
Left Side
Right Side


1 comment:

  1. Love your jacket and hat...and that your new machine has revved up your creativity!
